Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

really delicious and easy to make, these cookies are one of my favorite!

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enjoy them as an afternoon snack or have them for breakfast, these cookies will not disappoint!

I absolutely love oatmeal raisin cookies and could eat them nonstop! These are so easy to make, they are plant-based and are absolutely delicious - have them as an afternoon snack with your coffee/ tea or for breakfast with some yogurt and you will be all set!

They can be made quickly and keep well for a few days, if you can contain yourself not to eat them all in one sitting :)

additional information

  • Oats - a whole grain, rich in carbs and fiber, as well as higher in protein and fat than other grains. Also rich in minerals and vitamins, oats are among the most nutrient-dense foods.

  • Almonds - high in monounsaturated fats, fiber, protein and important nutrients. They are also loaded with antioxidants, high in vitamin E and magnesium, and can assist with blood sugar control.

  • Whole Wheat Spelt Flour - an ancient grain with slightly nutty flavor and a tougher outer husk, which makes it more resistant to pesticides. Using whole wheat flour is better in general because it is made from the entire grain (bran, endosperm, germ), which help contain more protein, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

  • Maple Syrup - made by boiling sap collected from certain maple species, during which process the phytochemicals naturally present in tree sap are concentrated in maple syrup. While it is comparable in calories and carbs to sugar, maple syrup has a lower glycemic index and since it tends to be sweeter, you can use less of it. But be advised that, as with any sweetener, moderation is key (resource).

needed ingredients

preparation details

I prefer warming up slightly all of the wet ingredients in order to create a homogenous mixture and then mix into the dry ingredients.

As for the soaked raisins, I typically try to keep a jar filled with soaked raisins in brandy or rum readily available. It is the easiest thing to do - fill-up a small mason jar about 3/4 of the way up with raisins (I use golden raisins), then fill the jar to the top with rum or brandy, close the lid and place in your pantry. The raisins will expand as they rehydrate and they will be ready to use as early as the following day. It keeps pretty much forever, so you do not need to worry about spoiling.

If you do not have soaked raisins handy, just soak the raisins in the vanilla extract for a few minutes.

Once you warm up all of the wet ingredients and mix all of the dry ingredients, it is time to combine them until you achieve a crumbly mixture. Do not worry about the crumbly mixture, once baked and rested, they will set.

You can use a large soup spoon and you hands to shape the cookies or use a 3 Tbsp measuring spoon if you have one, just flatten and shape them slightly as they will not spread.

Bake time depends on how hot your oven runs, I baked mine for 12 min., rotating the tray halfway through the bake to ensure they are evenly baked. It is important to let them rest for a few minutes before transferring to a serving plate because otherwise they may crumble.

These oatmeal raisin cookies are best enjoyed when freshly baked, but also keep well for a couple of days and are just as delicious! I like to enjoy them as an afternoon snack with some yogurt, but have definitely had them as a quick breakfast on the run alongside my coffee.


Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Really delicious and easy to make, these cookies are one of my favorite! Enjoy them as an afternoon snack or have them for breakfast, these cookies will not disappoint!

{vegetarian & vegan friendly}

Author: The Kitchen Plot

Prep Time: 10 min.

Cook Time: 13-15 min.

Overall Time: 25 min.

Serves: approx. 10 cookies

Perfect for: breakfast, snack

Keeps for: cookie jar - 3 days


wet ingredients:

dry ingredients:

  • 150 g (1 1/4 cup) rolled oats

  • 70 g (3/4 cup) almond flour

  • 50 g (1/3 cup) wholegrain spelt flour {or oat flour}

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon

  • 1/2 tsp ground allspice

  • 1/2 tsp ground coriander

  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

  • 70 g soaked raisins


  1. Pre-heat oven to 360F convection/ 180C fan and line a baking sheet with a silicone mat or parchment paper.

  2. Place the wet ingredients in a sauce pan over medium heat for about 5 min., stirring often. Remove form the heat once everything has melted and you have achieved a homogenous mixture.

  3. While the wet ingredients are warming up, place all of the dry ingredients in a medium bowl and mix well.

  4. Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients, add the soaked raisins and mix well.

    * See “preparation details“ above on tips for soaking raisins.

  5. Using a 3 Tbsp measuring scoop or a tablespoon, scoop the mixture onto the lined baking sheet and shape with your hands. The mixture will seem a bit crumbly at the time, but it will firm-up while baking.

  6. Bake the cookies for 12-15 min., rotating the baking sheet halfway through to ensure even baking. Once baked, take out of the oven and let them rest for a few minutes before transferring them to a serving dish.

  7. Best enjoyed fresh out of the oven with some yogurt, coffee or tea, but they also keep well for a couple of days!

    Bon appétit!


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